Friday, January 30, 2009

Horror Story A - Chapter 1

My sister, Alice, and I had always done everything together...until that night. It was Friday, June 21, 2004, and Alice was having a new friend, Tori, over to spend the night. In the wee hours of the morning, after a night of horror movies, we dragged ourselves upstairs to bed. Usually when one of us had a guest, we would all camp out together, but this time, I was just glad to get to sleep, I was so tired.
My mother, an early riser, always checked on us when she got up, usually around six o'clock a.m. It was always me first, and then my sister. Being a light sleeper, I awakened when she creaked the door open, but pretended to be asleep. I heard shut again, and was just drifting back to sleep when I heard a full-fledged, high-pitched scream coming from Alice's room, the kind that you hear in horror movies. I jumped out of bed just in time to hear the thud. My mother had fainted. I dashed down the hall toward Alice's bedroom, saw the scene, and that was when the world slowly started to fade away into darkness. What I had seen was an insane-looking version of Tori, feasting on my sister's cadaver.
The next thing I knew, I was laying in a hospital bed feeling significantly dazed. My thoughts were a disorganized blur as the bounced around in my head at the speed of light. Where was I? Had what I seen before blacking out been a reality? Or just a freakishly realistic dream? I pried open my eyes and looked around, but regretted it as soon as an over-joyful nurse shrieked, "She's awake!" at the top of her lungs, all the while blowing out my eardrums.
After regaining my hearing, my first question was, "What's going on?" A polite nurse told me that I was on a good ammount of medication, and that I may feel a bit dizzy. That explained my feeling dazed. Directly following that, I came to the realization that I was in a double hospital room, and I directed my gaze to the hospital bed to my right to find a frail looking woman faintly resembling my mother. Then the time came for question number two. "Who is that?" I asked, directing my gaze once again towards the woman, thi time with a bewildered expression about my face. A gruff voice answered, "That's your mother," and I looked up to a person whom I barely recognized and whom I had not seen in years.